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UGC-NET is an examination designed to assess the eligibility of Indian nationals for the positions of 'Assistant Professor' and 'Junior Research Fellowship and Assistant Professor' at universities and colleges across India.

Frequency- half-yearly

Mode- Computerised Exam

Exam Pattern

UGC NET Exam Pattern 2024

The UGC NET 2024 exam consists of two papers, each of which candidates must complete within a total duration of three hours. Both Paper 1 and Paper 2 feature objective-type questions, and it is essential for candidates to attempt questions from both papers.

UGC NET Paper Details:

PaperNumber of QuestionsTotal Marks
Paper 150100
Paper 2100200

Candidates must complete both papers in a combined time of 3 hours (180 minutes) without any breaks. All questions in both Paper 1 and Paper 2 are mandatory. The question papers will be available in English and Hindi, so candidates should select their preferred language when filling out the application form. Each question is worth two marks, and there is no negative marking for incorrect answers.

UGC NET Exam Pattern 2024 for Paper 1:

According to the NTA official website, UGC NET Paper 1 is designed to assess the candidate's teaching and research aptitude. It will test reasoning ability, comprehension, divergent thinking, and general awareness. The exam pattern for Paper 1 is as follows:

SectionNo. of QuestionsTotal Marks
Teaching Aptitude510
Research Aptitude510
Reading Comprehension510
Reasoning (including Maths)510
Logical Reasoning510
Data Interpretation510
Information & Communication Technology (ICT)510
People & Environment510
Higher Education System: Governance, Polity & Administration510

UGC NET Exam Pattern for Paper 2:

UGC NET Paper 2 is based on the subject selected by the candidate. All questions in Paper 2 are compulsory. Candidates must choose their Paper 2 subject from one of the 83 options provided during the application process. The subject must be relevant to the candidate’s Post-Graduation degree. If the exact Post-Graduation subject is not available, candidates can select a related subject.

UGC NET Marking Scheme 2024:

In both papers of the UGC NET exam, each correct answer earns 2 marks. There is no penalty for incorrect answers.

Eligibility Criteria

UGC NET Eligibility – Overview

UGC NET Eligibility Criteria

AspectEligibility Conditions
Educational QualificationsMaster's degree or equivalent with at least 55% marks (50% for SC/ST/PwD/Transgender candidates)
Age Limit30 years for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) 
No age limit for Assistant Professorship
Number of AttemptsNo limit on attempts for JRF & Assistant Professorship
Subject EligibilityMust be in the subject of your Post-Graduation.

UGC NET is a test to determine eligibility for 'Assistant Professor' and 'Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Assistant Professor' positions in Indian universities and colleges.

Candidates must meet the UGC NET eligibility criteria to take the JRF and Assistant Professorship exams. The criteria include:

  • Nationality: Only Indian citizens are eligible. Indian citizens residing abroad can also apply if they provide proof of Indian nationality.
  • Age Limit: For JRF, the age limit is 30 years. There is no age limit for Assistant Professorship.
  • Educational Qualifications: Candidates should have a Master’s degree or equivalent with the required percentage of marks. For detailed educational criteria, please refer to the specific conditions for different categories and subjects.

Before filling out the application form, candidates should ensure they meet the eligibility criteria, including educational qualifications and age limits.

Important Points Regarding Proof of Eligibility:

  • No certificates or documents need to be sent to NTA for eligibility verification.
  • NTA does not verify the details provided; thus, candidates' eligibility is provisional and subject to verification.
  • If any ineligibility is detected, candidates may face cancellation of their application and potential legal action.
  • Qualifying the UGC NET exam allows candidates to teach at colleges, universities, or educational institutions, and exceptional scores can also qualify them for JRF, which includes a stipend for research and completing a Ph.D.

UGC NET Nationality: Only Indian citizens are eligible to apply for the UGC NET exam. Those with Indian citizenship residing abroad can also participate if they provide proof of nationality.

UGC NET Age Limit:

  • For JRF: The age limit is 30 years as of 1st June 2023. Relaxations apply:
    • OBC-NCL: Up to 3 years
    • SC/ST/PwD/Transgender: Up to 5 years
  • For Assistant Professor: No upper age limit.

Age Relaxations:

CategoryRelaxation (in years)
Scheduled Tribe/Scheduled Caste5
Other Backward Classes (OBC)5
Persons With Disability (PWD)5 (GEN), 5 (OBC), 5 (SC/ST)
Women Applicants5
Research ExperienceUp to 5
LLM Degree Holders3
Armed Forces ServiceUp to 5

UGC NET Eligibility – Educational Qualification:

  • Candidates must take the exam in their post-graduation subject. If their subject is not listed, they may choose a related subject.
  • Candidates with at least 55% marks (50% for reserved categories) in their Master’s degree or equivalent are eligible.
  • Final-year Master’s degree candidates can also apply provisionally but must pass with the required percentage within two years of the NET result.

Certificates Required:

  • OBC (Non-creamy layer)/SC/ST/PWD candidates must submit an attested category certificate with their application.
  • Other candidates do not need to submit certificates but should ensure they meet eligibility criteria to avoid cancellation of their application.
  • Candidates with foreign degrees should verify the equivalence with recognized Indian degrees from AIU, New Delhi.

UGC NET Eligibility – Exemptions:

  • Candidates with a Doctorate Degree as per UGC regulations are exempt from NET/SLET/SET for Assistant Professor roles.
  • Candidates who passed the UGC/CSIR JRF exam before 1989 are also exempt from NET.
  • Candidates who passed SET before 1st June 2002 are exempt and can apply for Assistant Professor positions nationwide. For SETs held from 1st June 2002 onwards, they can apply only within the state where they cleared the SET.