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Canara Bank PO

Canara Bank, a prominent public sector bank headquartered in Bengaluru with over 6,100 branches nationwide, invites online applications from eligible candidates for a one-year training program. This program leads to a Post Graduate Diploma in Banking and Finance (PGDBF) and is conducted by either Manipal Global Education Services Pvt Ltd. in Bengaluru or NITTE Education International Pvt Ltd. in Mangaluru, both recognized by the UGC. Upon successful completion of the course, candidates will receive the PGDBF and be offered a position as Probationary Officer in Junior Management Grade Scale-I at the bank.

Frequency- yearly

Mode- Computerised Exam

Exam Pattern

Candidates aspiring to apply for the Canara Bank PO exam must familiarize themselves with the Canara Bank PO Recruitment Syllabus. The syllabus is essential as it helps identify the key topics where candidates' skills will be assessed. Understanding the Canara Bank PO Syllabus simplifies preparation by outlining the subjects on which candidates will be tested. Knowing the exam pattern is crucial for understanding the structure of the exam and preparing accordingly.

The Canara Bank PO syllabus is available on the official website. Candidates need to have graduated with at least 60% marks or an equivalent grade from a recognized institution to be eligible.

The selection process for Canara Bank PO Recruitment includes an online test, group discussion, and interviews.

The online objective test for the Canara Bank PO 2023 will cover Reasoning, Aptitude, General English, and General Awareness. Each section will have 50 questions, totaling 200 questions, with each question carrying one mark. Details of the exam pattern are as follows:

SubjectMedium of ExamNo. of QuestionsMarksTotal Time
ReasoningEnglish & Hindi50502 Hours
Quantitative AptitudeEnglish & Hindi5050 
General AwarenessEnglish & Hindi5050 

Please note that there will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for incorrect answers.

Eligibility Criteria

Canara Bank PO Eligibility Criteria 2023: The Canara Bank will soon release the Canara Bank PO Eligibility Criteria 2023 and the official notification PDF on its website. Candidates planning to apply for the Canara Bank PO position need to ensure they meet these eligibility requirements before submitting their application forms. Additionally, it’s important for candidates to acquaint themselves with the Canara Bank PO Syllabus to better prepare for the selection process. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the eligibility criteria necessary for individuals interested in applying for the Canara Bank PO role.

Canara Bank PO Eligibility Criteria 2023

To be eligible for the Canara Bank PO positions, candidates must satisfy the criteria outlined in the official notification. It’s crucial for candidates to accurately indicate their eligibility status on the application form. Providing incorrect information can lead to application rejection. Eligibility criteria vary across Canara Bank PO posts, contingent upon the specific position being pursued. Here’s a general outline of the eligibility requisites for Canara Bank PO candidates.

Canara Bank PO Eligibility Criteria 2023
Educational QualificationA degree in the relevant subject area from a recognized university or institution.
Age LimitCandidates must be between 20 and 30 years old (age relaxation for reserved categories).
ExperiencePrevious experience is not mandatory.
Number of AttemptsNo limit on attempts, as long as candidates meet eligibility conditions.

Canara Bank PO Nationality

To be eligible, a candidate should either be an Indian citizen, a citizen of Nepal or Bhutan, a Tibetan refugee who came to India before January 1, 1962, or a person of Indian origin who relocated from Vietnam, Pakistan, Burma, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, or Pakistan with the purpose of settling in India permanently.

Canara Bank PO Educational Qualification

The detailed eligibility criteria for the Canara Bank PO position are provided in the following table.

Canara Bank PO Educational Qualification
CategoryMinimum Qualification
Probationary OfficerDegree (Graduation) with a minimum of 60% marks (55% for SC/ST/PWBD) or equivalent grade, in any discipline from a University recognized by the Government of India or any equivalent or, a qualification recognized as such by the Central Government.

Canara Bank PO Age Limit

  • Minimum Age Limit- 20 years
  • Maximum Age Limit- 30 years

Canara Bank Nationality

The Canara Bank PO Eligibility criteria for nationality defines that both the male and the female candidates must be :

  1. a citizen of India or
  2. a subject of Nepal or
  3. the subject of Bhutan or
  4. a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 01.01.1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or
  5. a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African

Canara Bank PO Number of Attempts

Candidates applying for the Canara Bank Recruitment are not limited in the number of attempts they can make. They are free to apply until they reach their maximum age or as long as they meet the eligibility criteria for the exam.

Canara Bank Eligibility Criteria 2023 Important Points

In addition to meeting the Canara Bank Eligibility Criteria, candidates should consider the following points when applying for the position:

  1. During the interview phase, candidates belonging to reserved categories should be ready to provide certificates related to their caste, tribe, disability, or EWS (Economically Weaker Sections) status.
  2. All the original documents and certificates submitted by applicants must be kept available, as the company may ask for them at any point in the selection process.

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Canara Bank PO Prelims (IBPS CRP PO/MT XIII) Exam 2024 (English Edition) - 8 Mock Tests and 9 Sectional Tests (1100 Solved Questions) with Free Access to Online Tests

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Canara Bank PO Prelims (IBPS CRP PO/MT XIII) Exam 2024 (Hindi Edition) - 8 Mock Tests and 9 Sectional Tests (1100 Solved Questions) with Free Access to Online Tests

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